Hi, I'm 4 weeks pregnant and worried because I'm having a "period" I'm first time pregnant and conceived on Tue I know this because I used ovulation strips and recorded when we had sex The first day of my last period was Sunday My periods are irregular lasting from 29 to 40 days With my youngest who is now 2yrs I didn't know about her til I was 3 months along For those 3months I had my regular period Ontime and had all the period symptoms I was under stress and my period was lighter but still needed my normal pad When I'm under stress I end up late or a lighter period so I didn't think anything about itAccording to one study, one out of every 475 pregnancies is a cryptic pregnancy, unknown to the mother until after the
Early Signs Of Pregnancy That Can Tell If You Are Pregnant Even Before A Missed Period
I didn't know i was pregnant because i had my period forum
I didn't know i was pregnant because i had my period forum- 3 Kropas Was Still Getting A Period Kropas also had no idea of her pregnancy until one hour before delivery She also told the Washington Post that her menstrual cycle was regular, she had no morning sickness, and she felt fine all through her pregnancy She only noticed her swollen feet but thought it was because she worked as a caterer and had to be on her feet all day I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant with my third, and all three have been completely different and with the first, I didn't know until 27 weeks I had done pregnancy tests and all were negative until that point (which has been the same with the other two, I have low HCG levels that don't show up on tests until around 6 months generally)

What S Your Story Of Being Pregnant Quora
So taking 2 over a 2 week period is not going to cause a problem There has been twice she has told me to take ibeprofin to help reduce swelling as it is a great antiinflamitory, but only for a 12 hour period My baby is just fine! Didn't find out I was pregnant till 5 months 43 answers / Last post at 515 am Kay23qlb at 227 am Just intrigued to know if anyone had the not knowing they were pregnant experience I have a breastfeeding little one so was told my periods were stopped due to breastfeeding Had no other signs apart from indigestion My mom didn't know for 5 months that she was pregnant with my sister Even the doctors told her she wasnt pregnant, it was my dad who kept telling her she was When she finally did get a positive test her belly began to grow and gain weight and my sister was born 4
Hi I got mine up till i was labor i didnt know till my doctor sent me for a scan and i found out i was 35 weeks, and gave birth 2 weeks later it was a really big shock as i had no symptoms unlike my first pregnancy and no movement my doc only sent me for a scan as he thought it was an abnormal mass on my stomach and i was putting weight on "So I didn't know I was pregnant until I was weeks I'm a really petite girl, 5'3 tall and I only weigh 105 pounds Also, I was 19 at the time Irregular periods are the norm for the women in my family Since I was 10, I could go as much as 4 months without getting a period My ex & I had also used protection thanx for your replys the thing is that i have been experiencing very definate movement in my tummy for the last 2 weeks and for the last week have had a heavy feeling in my uterus and a back ache i already have 2 kids so know what it all feels like the thing is that i have a coil in and have had regulr periods so really cant be pregnant but now my belly feels like its
Though it's rare it can happen my mother had a normal period for 4 months before she found out she was pregnant for my brother ( i know alot of people seem to think that it's down right impossible, but true!) she went to the doctor because smells started making her so sick to her stomach and sure enough she was In answer to honey18 this pregnancy was identical twins when I took my tests the my were extremely faint turned out i was having twins sadly we lost one before the 12 week scan but I'm now almost 19 weeks with the other twin x sending love Sorry for your loss xx If you had an early period, pregnancy symptoms with a negative pregnancy test, then its likely because of implantation bleeding During implantation, your body's human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is still very low and increases twofold every 48 hours

I Didn T Know I Was Pregnant Until 2 Months Before I Gave Birth

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At almost 5 months you can absolutely feel a lot of movement and especially since this isn't a first pregnancy Once I stopped holding it in, my stomach just popped out after I found out I watched that show, I didn't know I was pregnant and always thought they were full of shit because of how much movement I felt with my first "My daughter works with a college educated woman in her late 's from a solid middleclass background who came back from her doctor one day stricken looking and told her coworkers that she had just been diagnosed as 7 months pregnant She is thin, gained no weight, got her period every month and had no clueAnd here's the crux of these "cryptic pregnancy" stories No, they didn't

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What S Your Story Of Being Pregnant Quora
My last pregnancy i had just got off b/c pills i was on a break from ttc i was on them for like 3 months i had afm july 16 and quit taking them so i got another af july 31 then i got my af aug29 and i got pregnant that cycle didnt have af until i miscarried in nov could the b/c pills have helped me got pregnant? I was 18 with my first baby and I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 5 months along I was on the pill, and had never had normal periods, so everything was normal to me I wasn't showing, and hadn't gained anything But boy once I hit 6 months along, there was no way you couldn't tell I was pregnant QuoteApril 12 I used to be in a local mom group on FB and there was a girl on there that didn't know she was pregnant with her first until 35 weeks She went into labor at 37 weeks I married a ginger m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11 My

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I Didn T Know I Was Pregnant And Here S My Story
Then came off pill for seven days but didnt re start pill after thatI Have Been Drinking Heavily and I didn't know I was Pregnant "I have just found out I am 11 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I thought I was 8 weeks I am extremely worried as I was drinking heavily for the first 6 weeks without knowing I was pregnant, I don't know what to do" Obstetrician Roger Marwood MSc FRCOG says As you can imagineNov 13th '11 I have known someone who had a "period" while pregnant, but it is really not a period She bled for like the first 6 months (only once a month) of her pregnancy Her OB refered her to a specialist, who closely monitored her baby every 2 weeks If bleeding got worse, she was to go to the ER plus she was supposed to not lift

The Real Reason They Didn T Know They Were Pregnant Babycenter

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I believe I had decidual bleeding around the time of my missed period I have had many pregnancy symptoms and the blood was brown in starting and after 2 hrs it turned red with clots lasted around the same amount of days but was way lighter than usual I have taken HPT on 2nd day of my period and the result was negative Fifteenyearold Sonia's "surprise baby" on EastEnders in 00 made a vivid impression on a generation of young women, while the US television series I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant ran for CityData Forum > General Forums > Parenting > Pregnancy "I didn't know I was pregnant" (period, accidental, heal) User Name Remember Me Password rid of the notion that all pregnancies all fit neatly inside of a box I mean seriously, if you only gained 10 lbs and had no other symptoms why would you think you were pregnant?

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I Didn T Know I Was Pregnant Until I Was In Labour First Time Mom S Incredible Story You
J Jade98 at 1145 PM I think you need to be a very heavy and regular drinker (like alcoholic level) for your child to be born with FAS I didn't know I was pregnant until around 16 weeks with my first and I'd been going out for cocktails / drinking tons of caffeine Baby was perfectly healthy That said, there are several situations that can cause periodlike bleeding early in pregnancy If you get your period at the usual time, it lasts for the usual amount of I really didnt know!

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Newcastle Upon Tyne Teen Didn T Know She Was Pregnant Until Labour Daily Mail Online
My mum worked in maternity as part of her training and said it was very common that women just know they are pregnant Good luck Fingers crossed for you x 0 MrsRaf 1045AM nope i was adamant that we hadn't done it that month i had NO symptoms during the 2ww (ok i did fall asleep while having my nails done but didn't countI had been taking fertility drugs again, but never had a cycle, I mean NEVER, so I really didn't think I could even GET pregnant I was 5 months along before I had the pregnancy test I'd been working on getting fit again, and had lost about 35 lbs and plateaued on And it happened to one of my friends, too She was 40, had 2 teens at home, and no plans for another child Her gynecologist had even told her she was getting premenauposal, so when her period became less regular she did not worry She didn't have any pregnancy symptom, didn't put on weight

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After I did the test straight away my boobs hurt, I got a hightenend sense of smell and needed to pee a lot!!! You'll still be pregnant So, basically, in that 12hour window after I had sex, the sperm met my egg in the fallopian tube, traveled down into my uterus, and latched onto itLegs24 wrote okay so at max I'll be 4 weeks pregnant, my last period started 10th of jan, wouldnt have done the buisness untill about the 17th of Jan, just found out today (17th feb) that I'm pregnant but during that month i know I drunk a lot of cups of black teas and I had quite a few lift plus energy drinks probably around 7 or so in total during the past month, in the last week when

15 Days Late From My Period Negative Pregnancy Test

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I had a very light period when mine was due and had gotten a negative wee test the day before it was due Two weeks later I started "feeling pregnant" and sure enough I got a positive wee test I still spotted every time my period was due for a couple of days until I was about 22 weeks pregnantI must have had implantation bleeding because I bled a little the day AF was due but when it didnt materialise into AF I thought it was odd I didnt test for another 2 weeks!!! Experience I didn't know I was pregnant until I went into labour where a doctor asked if I'd ever been given a pregnancy test I had no idea because I'd

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I had a period, or what i thought was a period and the month after, i got my BFP When i went for my scan they told me i was further along than i thought I told them i had a period though and they said it wasnt a 'real' period cause i must of got preg weeks before the bleed I didnt have anymore bleeds or periods during that pregnancy Hope you are okay, bleeding in pregnancy doesn't always mean something is wrong, my mum didn't find out she was pregnant with me until second trimester because she was having what she thought were periods, it can be more common that people think in fact the is an entire TV show called I didn't know I was pregnant Anyone who has "gotten pregnant on their period", it is likely because they had sex toward the end of their period, they ovulated super early and the sperm lived long enough (they can live up to 35 days I believe) to reach ovulation

Period Like Bleed And Be Pregnant

41 Early Signs Symptoms Of Pregnancy Before You Ve Taken A Test Madeformums
Hi i too think im pregnant with the symptoms did a test but inot sure if i have missed a period or not i was on the pill and foolishly took the pill over the seven pill free days so i could be with my boyfreind period free!! My hairdresser had a baby in May where she didn't know she was pregnant because she was getting her period the whole way through!Cryptic Pregnancy ("I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant!") Believe it or not, it is sometimes possible for a woman to carry a baby all the way to term without ever realizing she is pregnant This is called a cryptic pregnancy, and it happens more often than one might think;

I Didn T Know I Was Pregnant And Here S My Story

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September 11 A girl my husband went to high school with had a baby last year when she didn't know she was pregnant She was on birth control pills and supposedly had monthly bleeding at the time her period was due every month We saw her out a few weeks before she had the baby and she didn't look pregnant at all Those who gained 50 pounds, or swelled up like toads, or threw up every day for months find it hard to believe that pregnancy could be symptomfree At the very least, they ask, wouldn't the woman have noticed her missing period?No one seems to know why I am bleeding and cramping They did find that I have a uti which I didn't know I had but I have been taking antibiotics for it and I still fill the same It's really weird to me This is my second time trying We had a miscarriage the first time but I didn't have any pains

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She only found out when she went into hospital with major back pain and was told she was in labour #7 staybeautiful,Megan had very small bouts of morning sickness that lasted about two weeks That was it So she didn't think anything of it "Not having a period can actually occur quite commonly One of the most common instances where woman can have periods six to 12 months apart is polycystic ovary syndrome," said Dr Hunter

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